This is it

>> Tuesday, July 05, 2011

This is the part when you're being attacked repetitively by the same person successfully.
This is the part when someone's words on something that you can't do much about had made you feel vulnerable.
This is the part when the person's conscious/half-conscious intentions had started becoming thorns on your dignity and reputation.
This is the part when you feel so alone that no one is there for you and no one understand you.
This is the part when your heart gone empty and tears are not even consoling.

After that, that is the part where you had your break down and build up the walls.
That is the part where you see no people who doesn't look at you differently.
That is the part, where you no longer feel home in the place you categorized it home before.
That is the part.

That is the part, that occurs in your life occasionally.
That is the part, where your decision is made.
To live with it, to live beside it, to live in it, or to live out of it.


jcdagreat July 11, 2011 at 11:01 PM  

U posted something similar i would write to define my situation... I really think I get you. I know how it feels like being helpless. I wish I could hug you and we cry it all out-once and for all. I can't believe at times that im still sane or even alive to begin with. Or maybe you all probably dun thk I am sane cuz there were the only times, with u guys that i enjoy my life. Haiz... U're tough gal... poisons that dun kill us only make us stronger.