Fell Into The Spell
>> Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Friends around me have already stepped into the next levels of life. I'm so left behind. Pull me! Cowardice kills!
I'm have to fall for these kind of little creature -----> Amphibian
Never thought that I will dare to grab hold of these slimy sticky cold blood animals. But it was not as bad as I thought. They are funny little creatures who made me laughed when they were jumping around with their plastic bags. Funny and stupid. XD
And I dare to catch them with my bare hands! *self-admiring*
Awww.. look at him, it's actually very cute!! heh.. >D
Cast me a spell or a love portion on him so that I can concentrate more on my thesis study very well.
還以為你要下詛咒讓這個青蛙變成你的白馬王子 XD
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